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Absence Reporting

Absence Reporting Contacts

To report an absence please contact the College on 01489 892256 or via the following email addresses by 8.30am:

Absence Reporting

Pupil Absence from College – Guidance for Parents:

What to do when your child is ill:

  • To report an absence please email the absence email address for your child’s year group using the addresses at the top of this page or telephone 01489 892256 by 8.30am with a brief description of the problem and the likely return date.  This information will be passed to your child’s tutor.
  • Please phone or email on each day by 8.30am on each day your child is absent
  • If a child is absent for more than a week because of illness a medical note is required.
  • If we do not receive a phone call or email by 8.30am then we will send you a parental communication or phone you to alert you to your child’s absence.