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Battlefields Trip 2025

Year 8 pupils visited WW1 battlefields in Belgium on the weekend of 15 and 16 March 2025.

  • 01. 6 am start on Saturday

    01. 6 am start on Saturday

    Dawn outside Swanmore College

    01. 6 am start on Saturday
    Dawn outside Swanmore College
  • 02. The Memorial Museum Passchendaele

    02. The Memorial Museum Passchendaele

    Image shows the outside of the museum - a red building with a veranda and balcony and 3 white chimneys.

    02. The Memorial Museum Passchendaele
    Image shows the outside of the museum - a red building with a veranda and balcony and 3 white chimneys.
  • 03. Inside the Memorial Museum Passchendaele

    03. Inside the Memorial Museum Passchendaele

    Image shows pupils looking at a 3D map of Passchendaele.

    03. Inside the Memorial Museum Passchendaele
    Image shows pupils looking at a 3D map of Passchendaele.
  • 04. Walking through the trenches at Passchendaele

    04. Walking through the trenches at Passchendaele

    Image shows a group of pupils walking through a trench, with woven wooden sidings.

    04. Walking through the trenches at Passchendaele
    Image shows a group of pupils walking through a trench, with woven wooden sidings.
  • 05. Across the trenches at Passchendaele

    05. Across the trenches at Passchendaele

    Image shows a view across the top of a trench at Passchendaele - it is a dark line in the ground, with trees and a blue sky in the background.

    05. Across the trenches at Passchendaele
    Image shows a view across the top of a trench at Passchendaele - it is a dark line in the ground, with trees and a blue sky in the background.
  • 06. A display of shell casings in the Memorial Museum

    06. A display of shell casings in the Memorial Museum

    Image shows 2 pupils looking at a colourful display of painted shell casings from the war. The shell casings are different sizes and painted green, yellow, red, blue, grey or are brass.

    06. A display of shell casings in the Memorial Museum
    Image shows 2 pupils looking at a colourful display of painted shell casings from the war. The shell casings are different sizes and painted green, yellow, red, blue, grey or are brass.
  • 07. Tyne Cot Cemetery

    07. Tyne Cot Cemetery

    Image shows an uphill view of white headstones, laid out in neat rows, against a bright blue sky.

    07. Tyne Cot Cemetery
    Image shows an uphill view of white headstones, laid out in neat rows, against a bright blue sky.
  • 08. The Menin Gate

    08. The Menin Gate

    Image shows the back of the Menin Gate, approaching it from the town. It is made of white stone, and the inside of the arch is lit. A small crown is gathered inside.

    08. The Menin Gate
    Image shows the back of the Menin Gate, approaching it from the town. It is made of white stone, and the inside of the arch is lit. A small crown is gathered inside.
  • 09. Taking part in the Menin Gate ceremony

    09. Taking part in the Menin Gate ceremony

    Image shows a pupil holding a wreath of poppies, ready to take part in the ceremony.

    09. Taking part in the Menin Gate ceremony
    Image shows a pupil holding a wreath of poppies, ready to take part in the ceremony.
  • 10. Walking back to the hotel from the Menin Gate

    10. Walking back to the hotel from the Menin Gate

    Image shows the sky above Ypres at dusk, with an illuminated church tower, and food stands and the neon lights of fairground stalls.

    10. Walking back to the hotel from the Menin Gate
    Image shows the sky above Ypres at dusk, with an illuminated church tower, and food stands and the neon lights of fairground stalls.
  • 11. Evening fun at the hotel

    11. Evening fun at the hotel

    Image shows pupils playing air hockey, and arcade games in the hotel.

    11. Evening fun at the hotel
    Image shows pupils playing air hockey, and arcade games in the hotel.
  • 12. Inside the Flanders Field Museum

    12. Inside the Flanders Field Museum

    Image shows teacher and 3 pupils looking at an information board

    12. Inside the Flanders Field Museum
    Image shows teacher and 3 pupils looking at an information board
  • 13. Exhibit at the Flanders Field Museum

    13. Exhibit at the Flanders Field Museum

    Image shows pupils looking at an interactive display of the front lines.

    13. Exhibit at the Flanders Field Museum
    Image shows pupils looking at an interactive display of the front lines.
  • 14. Uniform display at the Hooge Crater Museum

    14. Uniform display at the Hooge Crater Museum

    Image shows 2 pupils looking at different uniform items in a glass-fronted display.

    14. Uniform display at the Hooge Crater Museum
    Image shows 2 pupils looking at different uniform items in a glass-fronted display.
  • 15. Welcome sign on the chocolate shop

    15. Welcome sign on the chocolate shop

    Image shows the window of the shop with a sign saying welcome Swanmore College.

    15. Welcome sign on the chocolate shop
    Image shows the window of the shop with a sign saying welcome Swanmore College.
  • 16. Inside the chocolate shop

    16. Inside the chocolate shop

    Image shows the pupils inside the chocolate shop.

    16. Inside the chocolate shop
    Image shows the pupils inside the chocolate shop.
  • 17. Last stop in Belgium - hot chocolate and apple tart

    17. Last stop in Belgium - hot chocolate and apple tart

    Image shows the pupils sitting at tables eating apple tart and drinking hot chocolate.

    17. Last stop in Belgium - hot chocolate and apple tart
    Image shows the pupils sitting at tables eating apple tart and drinking hot chocolate.