We have a dedicated email address for parents to report any issues related to bullying.
Parent/Carer Advice
As a parent/carer of a young person, it can be challenging to keep up to date with the apps, social media and games that are popular amongst young people, but we mustn’t shy away from their experience of the online world.
Please find below information for parents and carers on communicating with your child about online safety:
Parent/Carer Advice Don't Face it Alone Day
If you are a young person experiencing a crisis, The Diana Award Crisis Messenger offers free, 24/7 text support.
At Swanmore College, the Anti-Bullying Committee is at the centre of pupil voice activities with many opportunities for pupils to become involved. We are always striving to ensure that pupils feel safe and supported and know how to prevent bullying as well as responding to any bullying incidents.
For more information on Anti-Bullying at Swanmore, please look at the files below.
Anti-Bullying Updates
Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day
On 18th October, Swanmore College was delighted to host an Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day led by The Diana Award. 120 pupils and staff from local secondary schools were trained as Ambassadors.
Congratulations to our new Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in Years 7-10. All 15 pupils represented the College impeccably with great confidence, enthusiasm, commitment and maturity. Well done everyone!
Hot off the Press!
Anti-Bullying Community Action Badge
We are delighted to announce that Swanmore College has just received the Community Action Badge/Award from The Diana Award. The Diana Award is a charity which trains our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors across the UK. They have praised our Ambassador and Committee members on their work over the last 14 months to promote Anti-Bullying across our community as well as providing support for pupils experiencing bullying. Activities included hosting Anti-Bullying Week alongside Year 11 Charity Week (November 2020) to raise funds for Anti-Bullying Charities, leading training sessions for Senior Prefects in order to spread the understanding of bullying issues, providing training sessions for staff and governors, recording an information video for parents
(see link below), producing an annual newsletter highlighting all activities relating to Anti-Bullying at Swanmore and providing support for pupils and staff through posters and help cards (given to every pupil).
The Diana Award has now invited our Ambassadors to apply to become part of the Anti-Bullying National Youth Board.
Well done to everyone involved. As a college, we have now earned the Well Being and Community Action Badge from The Diana Award. The Committee have chosen to work toward the Respect badge over the next 12 months. Watch this space!
The Parent Information video can be viewed below: