Careers and Work Related Learning
Statement of Intent
All young people need a planned programme of activities both to help them choose appropriate pathways at 14, 16 and 18 years old and to enable them to manage their careers, career progression and sustain employability throughout their lives. Swanmore College provides impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to support students’ transition, not only to further or higher education, vocational training or employment, but to support them in becoming independent managers of their own careers.
We encourage pupils to aspire and value lifelong learning, provide opportunities to develop key employability and enterprise skills which are highly valued by employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers.
The CEIAG programme has been developed to engage pupils, parents/ carers, and local employers, both in school and externally, to support our students in becoming employable and aspirational young people in accordance with the recommended Gatsby Benchmarks.
In our rapidly changing world of work, careers are not simply ‘chosen’ but built through making ongoing learning and work choices, based on a wide range of information and options. To succeed young people need to understand themselves, the opportunities they have to develop their skills and education and how these relate to the labour market and economy.
Careers Education Advice Information and Guidance – CEAIG is delivered at Swanmore in a range of different ways. On a day to day basis pupils and parents are able to contact the Careers leader to ask questions pertaining to support they may require on any issues relating to Careers. Contact can be made using the email below.
Our qualified independent Careers advisor is in school each week to offer one to one or small group sessions for pupils on specific advice and guidance. Pupils can ask to be included in these sessions or may be invited to attend. To supplement this Mrs Illsley the Careers Leader is also available to offer strategic advice relating to college transfers and work related learning. A wide range of guidance is also available for pupils, parents, carers and employers via the school website with specific current information added to the weekly school bulletins and the pupils own Google Careers Classroom.
Within the PSHE curriculum time a programme of sessions are allocated for specific CEAIG. These address the Gatsby Benchmarks and use resources and support from The Careers & Enterprise Council and Career Development Institute to structure the content to enable progression and development of the pupil future education and employment journey. This is supplemented by trips to events or by visiting speakers as they become available. You can find out more about Careers education by clicking this link.
Year 11 Career Options
Use this interactive resource to understand the range of offers and courses available to you, once you leave Swanmore College.
It includes information on entry requirements, how you'll be assessed and the application process for Sixth Form, Colleges and Training Providers, as well as timelines. There are also tools to support you make these next steps into apprenticeships or employment, such as CVs, interviews and application forms.
Click this link to access it: Year 11 Career Options
Links to Careers Websites
Gatsby Benchmarks
UniFrog is a powerful platform designed to support you in making informed decisions about your future. You will have your own account on UniFrog so that you can explore your interests, academic subjects and extracurricular activities inside and outside of school to identify exciting post-16 opportunities. Your parents or carers will also have their own log in once your account goes live. You can find out more about UniFrog here: /parents/unifrog
College Applications
- 2 Example Personal Statements for College applications.pdf
- College Open Evenings 2024-25
- Info Sheet - BTEC Diploma info.pdf
- Info Sheet - You're Leaving Year 11.pdf
- It's Your Choice.pptx
- T Level Info.pdf
- Website Guide courses and careers.pdf
- What are the different types of apprenticeships.pdf
- Writing a personal statement.pdf
- Year 11 advice for writing college applications 2024-25
Choices Magazine
Choices Magazine is the ultimate parent and carer guide to apprenticeships and technical education. Each edition will help your parent or carer stay up to date with the latest news - and it's free! It is a downloadable publication and is delivered into your inbox.
To subscribe to the magazine, you can scan the QR code in the image above or click the following link:
Or if you'd like to read past editions, click this link:
Choices Magazine is published by Amazing Apprenticeships. Their website has everything you, as a pupil, need to know about apprenticeships and technical education; click here to visit and find out more: