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Battlefields Trip - a big thank you to Y8!

Image shows the year 8 group of pupils and teachers who went on the Battlefields trip in 2025, standing outside a church.

Over the weekend of 15 and 16 March 2025, 59 Year 8 pupils travelled to Belgium for this year's Battlefields Trip. They represented themselves well, and were a real credit to the College.

They followed instructions really well, were such fun to be around, and kept the balance of dark and light elements on this trip well.

Our bus driver, Stewart, said that the pupils were polite and tidy, leaving the bus in excellent condition following a weekend of use. The police at Border Control complimented the pupils, saying how well-behaved, and friendly they were and that they wished more schools were like this! The staff in our hotel were impressed with their punctuality, tidiness and organisation.

Throughout the trip they asked excellent questions, were respectful at cemeteries and engaged in the museums, trenches and dug-out experiences. On the bus, we heard some impressive sing-alongs. Amazingly, they still had energy after two long days; also thanks to Eddie lending us his speaker!

We had a brilliant weekend. Please pass on my sincere thanks to this group of pupils. They made the trip fantastic and were such a joy.

Kind regards,

Katie Tymon
Battlefields Trip Lead

The Battlefields Trip


Tagged  Class of 2028  History