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KS4 Drama

Please see the table below for information about what we'll cover each term.

Year Long Term Objective: To embed the core key principles of Creating, Performing and Evaluating
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Medium Term Objective: To understand and practice each of the elements of the course.
10 Introduction to devising Devising continued. Mini devising project Introduction to theatre practitioners Initial study of set text Mini scripted performance Preparation for Component 3 written exam
Medium Term Objective: To complete each of the components, showing the skills required for exam success.
Component 1 - Devised project (based on a theme set by the exam board) Component 1 - Devised project (based on a theme set by the exam board)

Completion of Component 1 logbook. 

Component 2 - Scripted performance

Component 2 - Scripted performance

Component 3 revision

Component 3 revision