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Work Experience 2025 14-22 July

This page contains useful information regarding organising work experience for our Year 10 pupils this year.

Unifrog placements tool

Click on the following link to open a Google Slides presentation about the Unifrog placements tool: 

Unifrog and the placements tool - Google slides

To view the text from this presentation in a format that can be translated into another language, click the following link, or select the page from the menu on the right (desktop) or below (mobile device): /pupils/careers-and-work-related-learning/work-experience-2025-14-22-july/work-experience-information

If you are watching a video on the Unifrog website or platform, you can click on the 3-dot menu in the bottom right-hand corner to turn captions on when they are available. If captions are not available, please send the link to the video to and a transcript of the video will be sent to you within 2 working days.

Work Experience: Monday, 14 July - Tuesday, 22 July 2025

Why do work experience?

What do pupils gain from it?

  • Independence
  • Maturity
  • Self-confidence
  • An understanding of real-life and social interaction skills

How important is it to do a career you are interested in for the future?

We do not have an online search system for placements.

Mrs Illsley can suggest potential employers but it is up to pupils with the support of their parents to approach employers.

Pupils will be offered support with researching and approaching employers in PSHE sessions with their tutor.


The young person should approach potential employers to see if they are able to take them on our dates. 

Once an employer confirms they can take a pupil the pupil must complete the placement form on Unifrog found via the Placement tool.

This will then trigger a form for the Employer to complete and the process of securing the placement begins.

Deadline dates

If a placement is not added by this point Mrs Illsley or her administrator will be in touch to support the pupil and parent to discuss why a placement has not been secured and offer any advice.

Voluntary Contribution and parent/pupil contract

To assist with the cost involved in using the Placement Checking Tool via Unifrog and administration time incurred by staff organising and checking details, we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £20.  

This will be available for payment online via SCOPAY or may be made by cash/cheque made payable to Swanmore College.

Important dates

January 2025 All information given to pupils and parents
Spring term Placement searching and support from Mrs Illsley and tutors
Monday, 31 March 2025 Deadline for placements to be added to the Unifrog Placement Tool
Tuesday, 01 July 2025 Deadline for all forms (Pupil, Employer, Parent, School)
Monday, 14 July to
Tuesday, 22 July 2025
Work experience takes place

Where can I get help?

Parent & Pupil Guide to securing a placement

Further detailed information about securing a work experience placement can be found in the guide, by clicking the following link: Parent & Pupil Guide to securing a placement 

Or, if you would like to view the text from this guide in a format that can be translated into another language, click the following link, or select the page from the menu on the right (desktop) or below (mobile device): /pupils/careers-and-work-related-learning/work-experience-2025-14-22-july/work-experience-information

Unifrog: Year 10 parent letter

For more information about Unifrog, please read the letter by clicking on the following link: Year 10 parent letter

Or, if you would like to view the text from this letter in a format that can be translated into another language, click the following link, or select the page from the menu on the right (desktop) or below (mobile device): /pupils/careers-and-work-related-learning/work-experience-2025-14-22-july/work-experience-information