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Year 9


Tutor Group



Head of Year: Mr J Phillips 9R1 Attenborough Mr D Hammond
Deputy Head of Year: Miss L Primer 9R2 Whittle Mr L Were
  9R3 Hawking Mrs A McMillan/Mr G Coulter
 SLT Link: Miss G Brown 9R4 MacArthur Mr G Ockwell
  9R5 Attenborough Miss T Penlington
  9R6 Whittle Mrs L Wilde
  9R7 Hawking Mrs A Lunn/Miss S Goodwin
  9R8 MacArthur Miss E Light/Mrs L Malson
  9R9 Attenborough Mrs B Phillips
  9R10 Whittle Mrs L Wilson/Mrs S Richards
Please visit our contact page for specific emails for your Year Team and Tutor: Contact