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Attendance - Every Day Matters

Important Information for Parents

Every day counts … Your child’s attendance matters!

Hampshire County Council Behaviour and Attendance Guidance

Absence Reporting

To report an absence, please use the ClassCharts app, or contact the College on 01489 892 256 (Option 1) before 8am and leave a message. 


Good attendance is essential in supporting progress and continuity of learning.  Therefore, pupil absences need to be kept to the absolute minimum.

A Pupil should be absent only if:

  • there is a genuine illness;
  • there is an unavoidable medical appointment which has to take place during school hours. Please make routine appointments after college or during the holidays;
  • there are exceptional family/ personal circumstances which necessitate this.


The college does not normally authorise absence for pupils unless there are exceptional circumstances.  We are afraid that we cannot accept cost of a holiday as an exceptional circumstance.

ALL reasons for absence will be meticulously checked.

Should you wish to make a request for an absence for exceptional circumstances, please contact the college office who will provide you with the appropriate form.

Covid Guidelines for Parents/Carers

  1. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
  2. Pupils may return to Swanmore College when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
  3. Children with a positive LFT result should isolate at home for 3 days. The day of the test result is Day 0.
  4. We are legally obliged to mark your child as absent, even if they are isolating and well enough to attend live lessons, as they are not physically on site.