Absence Reporting
Reporting Daily Absences:
- If your child is unable to attend school, please report this by 8am each day via the ClassCharts app, go on your child's profile and scroll across to ‘Report Absence’ to log the details. If you are experiencing problems accessing the ClassCharts app, please email classcharts-help@swanmore-sec.hants.sch.uk to request your log in code.
- You are also able to report absences by calling our absence line on 01489 892256 (choosing Option 1) by 8am on each day of their absence.
- We request that you only use the methods listed above to report absences. If you use other channels, we may not receive the information, which could result in your child's absence not being properly recorded. This may lead to us contacting you for clarification on the day.
- Please note that the year group absence email addresses are no longer operational, and you will receive an “unable to be delivered” message if you attempt to email these inboxes.
- If your child has a sickness bug or similar, they must stay home for 48 hours after the last visible symptom. However, please contact us every day your child is absent, even if you’ve already informed us of the initial absence.
- A medical note is required if a child is absent for more than a week because of illness.
- If we do not receive a ClassCharts notification or phone call by 8am, then we will send you a text message to alert you to your child’s absence.
Medical Appointments During School Hours:
- For medical appointments during school hours, we require prior notice along with evidence of the appointment. This can be a screenshot of a text reminder or an official letter stating the child's name along with the date and time of the appointment.
- Please inform us of this absence and upload the evidence to the ClassCharts app prior to the appointment.
- If you require an alternative to ClassCharts, please click here to email evidence of the appointment before it takes place.
Leave of Absence Requests:
- To request leave for any other term time absence, please use our orange Leave of Absence Request form, which can be collected by your child from Pupil Reception. Forms are also available from our Visitor Reception area.