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Externally set assignment (ESA) – Digital sketchbook journey 10-12 weeks


Pupils will receive an externally set question paper from AQA at the beginning of January. It will list possible starting points to inspire their individual projects. The rest of the term is used to complete sketchbook preparation, covering AQA Art & Design’s assessment objectives in a similar way to their previous coursework projects.

All preliminary written work, photoshoots, edits, physical outcomes etc., will be presented for examination with the completed ‘examination piece’, which is likely to be a series of related images, or some constructed digitally edited scenes. Each pupil will decide on the type of response they wish to make from the choice of starting points/stimuli.

Cultural Capital: Arts, learning through the artwork of others, life skills (drawing)

UN Rights of the Child:
29. Aims of Education
31. Rest, play, culture, arts

Example Key Words


Non exam assessment

Starting Point

A theme or stimulus to base initial ideas around. Starting points are generally mindmapped and visually researched before pupils start creating work in response.

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