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Literacy Week: Readathon

Image shows the text what is a readathon on an orange background with an open book and a group of stars

During Literacy Week, our KS3 pupils are taking part in a Readathon, raising money for children in hospital.

What is a Readathon?

Readathon® is a sponsored read that gets pupils reading for fun. The sponsorship money pupils raise goes towards buying books and storyteller visits for children in hospital and gets brand-new books for the College too.

It's organised by 'Read for Good', who deliver programmes designed to support parents and professionals working with children and young people to enable, empower and inspire a life-changing love of reading. Children who read are happier and more likely to do better in exams.

Find out more about Read for Good by clicking on this link:

Why are books and storytellers needed in hospitals?

For children and young people in hospital, books and stories can help to banish boredom, distract and provide comfort. 

The money raised by pupils taking part will pay for a special mobile bookcase full of brand-new books and visits from Read for Good's team of amazing storytellers.

What do pupils need to do?

Image shows an orange readathon sponsor cardPupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 can choose whatever they want to read. They've all been given a sponsor card and can ask family and friends to sponsor them. Then they read!

Each pupil will need to fill in the front of their sponsor card.

They can set themselves a challenge to read a number of pages, chapters, or books, or for a particular length of time.

We've been encouraging the pupils taking part to share their favourite books with their friends, challenge themselves to read something different, join in with the activities taking place in school this week, visit the library and have fun!

What do sponsors need to do?Image shows the Readathon sponsorship form

If you have been asked to sponsor your child's reading, please make sure you fill in all the boxes on the form.

To pay your sponsorship money, you can:

  • pay online by scanning the QR code on the sponsor card
  • pay online by visiting the following Read for Good website page: (clickable link)
  • pay by cheque - your cheque should be made payable to 'Read for Good' and hand this in to College

Can parents and carers donate money if they don't have a child taking part?

Yes! By clicking on the link below, your donation will be associated with the school and you can give any amount you like: 

Key dates

Friday, 14 March - all the fundraising cards will be collected.

April - we'll hear how much the College's pupils have raised, with awards for those who are making the best effort.

Thank you

Lastly, a huge thank you if you've already donated and to everyone supporting your child(ren) with their reading for the Readathon. 

Image is on a bright orange background with 2 open books and 2 groups of stars, it says thank you for reading, raising and being amazing!


Tagged  Literacy  English