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KS4 Art and Design: Textiles

Please click on the links below to find out more about each unit.

Year Long Term Objective: To embed skills learnt in KS3 art and develop more technical experitise using a variety of techniques and media. This will enable students to create indepepdent, personalised sketchbook journeys resulting in unique artistic outcomes.
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Medium Term Objective: To provide students with a variety of textile design skills to enable them to find their strengths and develop personalised ideas.
10 Foundation Skills – Formal Elements of Art
Component 1: Portfolio 60% of grade
Foundation Skills – Formal Elements of Art
Component 1: Portfolio 60% of grade
Extended coursework sketchbook project
Component 1: Portfolio 60% of grade
Medium Term Objective:To create personalised and unique textiles work that shows an ability to reflect and refine upon progress whilst undertaking the artistic journey.
Mini coursework sketchbook project
Component 1: Portfolio 60% of grade
Externally set assignment (ESA) – Sketchbook journey 10-12 weeks
Component 2: ESA 40% of grade
Externally set assignment (ESA) – 10 hour examination piece
Component 2: ESA 40% of grade