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Antenatal care, testing and choices for delivery and meal planning (RO57 exam prep 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 & RO58 NEA 3.3, 3.4)

Example Key Words


These are key nutrients that children need in large amounts in their diet. They consist of protein needed for growth and repair, fat for insulation and warmth and carbohydrate for energy.


These are nutrients that children need in small amounts in their diet. They consist of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. These help the body to function efficiently and help prevent diseases.


Fibre is needed in the diet to help get rid of solid waste matter and promote a healthy digestive system and intestines. Children from a young age should be encouraged to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.


Water is essential for a child’s diet as it is found in all cells and tissues. It assists in controlling a baby’s/child’s body temperature and helps get rid of waste.

Breast Milk

The breast is made up of 15-20 segments or lobes, each of which contains alveoli or cells which produce milk. Milk ducts drain from these cells to reservoirs in the area of the areola. The nipple has several openings through which the baby can obtain milk. Mature milk is present three days after the birth and hormonal changes cause the milk to be produced and the sucking of the baby stimulates a steady supply.

Formula Milk

Infant formula is usually based on processed, skimmed cow’s milk. Added ingredients include vitamins, fatty acids and prebiotics (carbohydrates that can stimulate the growth of ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive system). You can see a full list of contents on the packaging for infant formula milk for babies.


FBV: mutual respect, tolerance, individual liberty

UNCRC: provision rights (health, food, water)

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