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Bronze Arts Award

Image shows the bronze arts award logo - a stylised lower case a with the words arts award next to it and a bronze coloured medal hanging to the right of itDevelop your creativity, communication, and leadership skills as you work towards a nationally recognised art qualification, accredited by Trinity College London. You will create a portfolio for the four sections of the award, recording your participation in the arts, your experience of the arts as an audience member, your research of the work of an artist or craftsperson of your choice, and how you have shared an art skill.

This year's Arts Award students are designing and producing a collaborative glass mosaic and are hosting an art workshop for local primary school children.

The Bronze Art Award will require a two term commitment from pupils to enable them to successfully achieve the award.

There is also a moderation fee for Bronze Arts Award, which is currently £33.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Available to all Y8

Ancient Civilisations

Image shows a photograph of the Acropolis in Athens, GreeceLove Percy Jackson? Want to know more about myths surrounding the ancient world; the odious emperors, Greek tragedies and everything that made them great? The Egyptian world shaped the Greek one and this passed with the Romans to Britain. But that’s just Europe!

You will also learn about Mesopotamia (the cradle of civilisation), which led to the Persian empire, which was in turn superseded by the Steppes civilisations. Hopefully, you have heard of Attila the Hun, but how about the rose city of Petra used in ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’?

At the same time Meso-America, the Indus Valley and China had civilisations that sometimes dwarfed those of their European cousins and through amazing inventions and trade, they influenced the whole world. What did the ancients ever do for us? Find out in Classical Civilisation.

This activity will improve:

Social Skills, Literacy, Oracy

Available to Y7 and Y8

Digital Art and Illustration

Image shows an illustration of a mountainous landscape in shades of green that lighten the further away the mountains are, with a dark forest in the foreground and a yellowy green skyAn ideal opportunity for anyone who is interested in digital drawing. Using tools like Procreate on the iPad, you will learn the basics of creating digital artwork.

During these sessions we will cover topics such as the fundamentals of drawing, understanding light/colour and building a backstory to influence design.

In time, you will have a better understanding of how to use different tools and techniques in Procreate to create illustrations, characters and environments.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Confidence, Social Skills, Motor Skills

Available to all year groups

School Magazine Club

Image shows an illustration of pieces of equipment linked to journalism including microphones, headphones, notebooks, computers, cameras and a press passAre you a budding journalist, graphic designer or photographer? Why not try out the school magazine club? At Swanmore, we are looking for talented students from all year groups to design, create and launch a new school magazine for students, parents and the community. If you are a talented writer, photographer, graphic designer or comic strip artist... We need you!

This activity will: 

Give you the opportunity to make new friends, improve your literacy/ creativity skills, work together towards a deadline and find out more about the community and wider world.

Available to all year groups

Beginners Pottery

Image shows a group of people throwing pots on pottery wheelsPottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard and durable form.

It is one of the oldest human inventions and has been used for both decoration and functional use (vessels, bowls, plates, cups etc.). During this course, we will cover hand-building techniques such as pinch pots, coiling and slab building. Work will be fired in the kiln and decorated using glazes, scraffito and other options. Our inspiration will come from the ceramics of both ancient and modern civilisations.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Available to all year groups

GCSE Spanish

Image shows a sketched Spanish flag and the written words hablas espanol?This two-year course will give you the opportunity to gain a GCSE qualification in Spanish. This course is suitable for anyone who:

  • currently studies Spanish in Year 9 but did not select it as a GCSE option.
  • currently studies French in Year 9 but would also like to study Spanish as an extra language to take the GCSE exam in Year 11.

We are looking for committed and enthusiastic culture vultures, confident communicators, and logical thinkers.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Places on this course have already been allocated to Year 9 pupils moving into Year 10. Taking the course commits you to two years of further study.

If you have already been accepted onto this Spanish GCSE course, you do not need to make any further Enrichment choices this academic year.





GCSE French

Image shows a photo of Mont Saint Michel illuminated at dusk, and reflected in the seaThis two-year course will give you the opportunity to gain a GCSE qualification in French. This course is suitable for anyone who:

  • Currently studies French in Year 9 but did not select it as a GCSE option.
  • Currently study Spanish Year 9 but would also like to study French as an extra language to take the GCSE exam in Year 11

We are looking for committed and enthusiastic culture vultures, confident communicators, and logical thinkers.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Places on this course have already been allocated to upcoming Year 11 students continuing their studies from Year 10.

If you are already involved with French GCSE, you do not need to make any further Enrichment choices this academic year.






Young Philosophers Club

Image shows part of the painting The Death of Socrates  by the French artist Jacques Louis David in 1787 - when convicted of impiety, he died willingly rather than give up his beliefs. He spoke about how the soul never dies before drinking hemlock - a poison.Young Philosophers Club is where we think and talk about some of the most interesting and puzzling things in life. Through games, interactive storytelling and thought experiments you will discover how deep these ideas go. At Young Philosophers Club there's no such thing as a silly question or answer. If you join you will learn to unpick challenging, abstract ideas, think critically and independently, develop confidence in speaking, become better listeners, collaborate and manage conflict effectively and have fun with philosophy! 

Each session will focus on a different theme each week and include collaborative conversations around topics such as ethics, thought, existence, time, personal identity, meaning and value interspersed with fun interactive games, videos and role-play. Students will actively engage in the process of 'doing' philosophy whilst learning something of the history of philosophy and engaging critically with the ideas of well-known philosophers.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Social Skills, Literacy, Oracy.

Available to Y7, Y8 and Y9


Image shows the back of a digital camera set up on a tripod to take a photo of some ingredientsPupils will explore the various techniques and skills needed to take and edit photographs. They will take inspiration from their surroundings and have the opportunity to learn both inside and outside the classroom.

Students will learn a new skill each week, including light painting, Photoshop editing and sellotape printing. All work will be saved and presented on a Google Slide document so that pupils can keep their photos.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Available to Y7, Y8 and Y9


Image shows a word cloud containing phrases related to LawFancy yourself as the next Harvey Spector (Suits) or Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)? 

If a career in Law is something that interests you, then come and get a taster for it an enrichment.  We will cover the basics of English Law and the Legal System in the UK, routes to qualifying as a lawyer, along with Criminal Law, Contract and Tort Law, and Human Rights.  We will also hold a ‘mooting’ event where you put yourself in the shoes of a lawyer and argue your client’s case – can you convince the Judge?

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills, Oracy and Self Confidence.

Available to Y10 and Y11

Costume Club

Image shows a display of 3 colourful Morris dance costumes representing spring and summerPupils will learn how to make & adapt existing costumes and props for the school play – Aladdin.  We will research the costume designs & develop Mood Boards before creating the costumes. Costumes will vary each term. Students may learn hand & machine sewing and a variety of craft techniques such as papier mâché for mask & prop making.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Confidence, Motor Skills

Available to all year groups


Set Painting - 'Aladdin'

Image shows 3 examples of past sets - a black and red background, a painted brick wall with hinges and a woodland sceneThis activity will involve creating the backdrop for our upcoming school production, 'Aladdin'.

Pupils will have the opportunity to be a part of the upcoming school production through the painting of the sets and props for the show. By creating a visual spectacle they will, in turn, support the overall impact and staging of the whole production. 

Ideally, pupils should have a keen interest in art and painting.

This activity will improve:

Mental Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing, Confidence, Social Skills, Motor Skills

This activity is open to all year groups.


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