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Centre Assessed Marks Appeals Procedure 2025





Last Review

January 2025

Next Review

January 2026


Assistant Headteacher, Exams and Assessment

Governor Committee


Ratified by SLT

March 2026


Policy on Centre-Assessed Marks for Qualifications with English Awarding Bodies


As part of some GCSE courses, pupils will complete coursework that is marked by Swanmore staff. This will result in centre-assessed marks.

In accordance with the “Notice to Centres Informing candidates of their centre-assessed marks” produced by the JCQ, Swanmore College is committed to ensuring that:

  • Internal assessments are conducted by staff who have the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills.
  • Assessment evidence provided by candidates is produced and authenticated according to the requirements of the relevant specifications for each subject.
  • The consistency of internal assessment is assured through internal standardisation as set out by the Awarding Bodies.
  • Swanmore College is committed to ensuring that work produced by candidates is authenticated in line with the requirements of the awarding body.  Where a number of subject teachers are involved in marking candidates’ work, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency of marking.

Process following completion of coursework

Swanmore College will ensure that candidates and parents are informed of their centre-assessed marks by so that they may request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body. Centre-assessed marks for coursework will be issued as a ‘report’ through the SIMs Parent Application.

Request for Review of Marking

The purpose of the request for a review is to give the candidate confidence that their work has been marked consistently with that from other candidates within the centre.

Swanmore College will allow sufficient time for the review to be carried out, to make any necessary changes to marks and to inform the candidate of the outcome, all before the awarding body’s deadline.

  1. A request for internal review should be made as early as possible to ensure that the internal review process is completed prior to the submission of centre marks to the awarding body.
  1. A request for internal review must be made in writing, using the Appeal Form at Annex A, by the candidate’s parent/carer, or the candidate if he/she is an adult, to the exams officer.
  1. Requests for internal review must be sent via email to
  1. Swanmore College will provide a clear deadline for candidates to submit a request for an internal review of the centre’s marking.  Requests for review of marking will not be accepted after this deadline.
  1. On receipt of a request for review of the marking, Swanmore will provide the parent/pupil with copies of the pupil's work and the marking criteria should this be requested.
  1. Swanmore College will ensure that the review of marking is carried out by an assessor who has appropriate competence, has had no previous involvement in the assessment of that candidate and has no personal interest in the review. This may be an internal assessor.  Should there be no independent assessor within the College, Swanmore will ask for support from other colleges assessing the same course.
  1. Swanmore College will instruct the reviewer to ensure that the candidate’s mark is consistent with the standard set by the centre.
  1. Swanmore College will inform the candidate in writing of the outcome of the review of the centre’s marking.
  1. The marks awarded by Swanmore for the coursework will be amended should the review of marking indicate that the original Swanmore assessment was incorrect or inconsistent with other coursework from the same centre.
  1. A written record of the review will be kept and made available to the awarding body upon request.

Exam Board Moderation Process

For the avoidance of doubt, each exam board will conduct its own moderation process, and this may result in a mark change, either upwards or downwards, even after an internal review.  The internal review process is in place to ensure consistency of marking within the centre, whereas moderation by the awarding body ensures that centre marking is line with national standards.  The mark submitted to the awarding body is subject to change and should therefore be considered provisional.

This process is outside the control of Swanmore College and is not covered by this procedure. If you have concerns about it, please ask the exams officer for a copy of the appeal procedure of the relevant examinations board.

Annex A

Swanmore College: Request for Review of Centre Assessed Marking




Candidate Name:


Candidate Number:





Exam Board:


Exam Unit Code:


Details of appeal

Please explain the nature of your request clearly and with as much detail as necessary. Continue on an additional sheet if required.





By signing here, I am confirming I understand the purpose of the review will be to decide whether the internal assessment grade allocated to my child’s coursework is consistent with the marking criteria and with other similar coursework assessed in the centre .

I also understand the appeal may only be made against the marking/assessment process not against the mark submitted by the centre for moderation by the awarding body.


Signature:                                                                         Name:


You can download Annex A as a Word document by clicking the attachment below.