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KS4 Enterprise and Marketing

Please click on the links below to find out more about each unit.

Year Long Term Objective: Learners will develop essential knowledge and understanding of enterprise and marketing concepts.
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Medium Term Objective: Learners will develop essential knowledge and understanding of enterprise and marketing concepts
10 Introduction to business and marketing and RO64 RO65 – Market segmentation and market research  RO64/65 – Product design and product life cycle  RO64/65 – Product development RO64/65 – Business Costs RO64/66 – Branding
Medium Term Objective: learners will develop the skills to create a brand identity and promotional plan for their specific business product proposal
RO64 – Business ownership & functional areas RO66 – Planning a pitch RO66 – Delivering a pitch to independent audience RO64 – Business and marketing concepts (revision) RO64 – Business and marketing concepts (revision) Exam Season