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KS4 Graphics

Please click on the links below to find out more about each unit.

Year Long Term Objective: To prepare pupils for the GCSE exam by covering the Theory for both the core and Paper and Boards sections and a broad range of Practical skills necessary to undertake the demands of the exam syllabus and NEA.
Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1  Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Medium Term Objective:To develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the core content of the exam syllabus reflecting on previous knowledge from KS3 and developing a deeper understanding of the information. To explore the requirements of the NEA through a practice piece of work enabling practical and design skills to be developed.
10 Introduction to practice NEA Continuation of the Charity Money Box Introduction to core materials project Manufacture for the core materials project Adobe Suite project Introduction to NEA worth 50% of the final GCSE grade
Medium Term Objective:To develop the pupils knowledge and understanding of the Specialist Papers and Boards content of the exam syllabus whilst reflecting on previous knowledge and developing a deeper understanding of the information. Students will complete their NEA worth 50% of the final grade.
Reflect on work from summer term and finalise design development ready for production of the prototype Manufacture of NEA Final manufacture and assembly of NEA Completion of NEA Final exam preparation Exam