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Biology: Body 4

Body 4: Inheritance


Students will discover how chromosomes are halved during meiosis an then combined with new gened to produce unique offspring. They will then look at gene mutations in both animals and plants that may be damaging and lead to genetic disorders or death.

The main SMSC/Personal Development content of this topic includes: PD13 – Ability to be reflective about their own beliefs and PD25 – Appreciating cultural differences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others.

The main UN Rights of a Child covered are No.8 – Identity, No.13 – Sharing thoughts freely and No.28 – Access to Education.

Example Key Words


The molecule in cells that stores genetic information. (Deoxyribonucleic acid)


A short section of DNA, found on a chromosome, which contains the instructions needed to make a protein (and so controls the development of a characteristic).


A long molecule of DNA found in the nucleus, which carries genes.


A type of cell division where a cell reproduces itself by splitting to form two identical offspring.


A type of cell division where a cell divides twice to produce four genetically different gametes. It occurs in the reproductive organs.

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