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- KS4 Core PE
- How do the musculo-skeletal, and cardio-respiratory system work together during exercise.
How do the musculo-skeletal, and cardio-respiratory system work together during exercise.
Example Key Words
Air sacs in the lungs.
The substance in the red blood cells which transports oxygen (as oxyhaemoglobin) and carbon dioxide.
Widening of blood vessels.
Narrowing of blood vessels
An area of the body where two or more bones meet (articulate) to allow a range of movements. The ends of the bones are covered in articular cartilage and are enclosed in a capsule filled with fluid.
Muscle or group responsible for the movement.
Fundamental British values
Rule of Law: Understanding the process and laws of movement and respiration, and applying them to athletes.
External Links
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zp49cwx