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22 November 2023

Signing In & Out

A reminder that pupils need to sign in and out via Pupil Reception when they are attending appointments or leaving the site during the normal college day. Parents/Carers need to report to Visitor Reception when collecting children during the day before we can sign them out. We have also had several pupils returning to site without signing back in and this is a safeguarding concern which causes anomalies with attendance registers. We would appreciate your support in reminding pupils to do this when you drop them off or pick them up.

Drug Education UK

DRED UK will be coming to Swanmore College on Thursday 30 November 2023 to raise awareness of the risks and prevalence of misuse, including key information about drugs, alcohol, solvents, tobacco and vaping. They will deliver presentations to all our pupils throughout the day and will also provide a talk to parents/carers that evening at 5.30 pm in the main hall.  If you would like to attend the evening presentation by the DRED team on 30.11.23, could you please fill out the attendance form via this link:

Iceland Trip Meeting

Reminder that there is a meeting on Monday 27 November 2023 from 6pm to 7pm in the main hall for parents/carers of pupils going on the Iceland Trip in April 2024. This meeting will provide information regarding rooms, food, travel, and packing. Please remember to bring passports with you.

Careermag for Inclusion 

Please see the link below for an online magazine with useful information on careers and employment for young people with special education needs and/or disabilities.

Year 10

Lifeskills Revision Sessions

On Tuesday 5 December we have The Lifeskills Company coming into college to deliver a one lesson session to all year ten and eleven pupils on maximising their success through revision. This a highly recommended training programme that many schools use to support their pupils. Pupils will be out of class for one lesson on this day to take part in this session.  If you have any questions or would like more details, please get in touch.

Year 11

Lifeskills Revision Sessions

On Tuesday 5 December we have The Lifeskills Company coming into college to deliver a one lesson session to all year ten and eleven pupils on maximising their success through revision. This a highly recommended training programme that many schools use to support their pupils. Pupils will be out of class for one lesson on this day to take part in this session.  If you have any questions or would like more details, please get in touch.