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Image shows the Statue of Liberty in New York on a sunny dayCourse Information

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Image shows a rating of 1 out of 5 stars

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Creativity Image shows a rating of 1 out of 5 stars
Practical Image shows a rating of 1 out of 5 stars
Group Work Image shows a rating of 3 out of 5 stars
Examination Assessment 100%
Non-Examination Assessment 0%
EBacc Yes
Examination Board OCR
Course GCSE


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History is not only a valuable subject in its own right, but also provides a wide range of transferable skills which are relevant to many careers, for example journalism, the law, teaching, police force and research. History is one of the most sought after subjects that Russell group universities look for on applications. 

In an increasingly information rich world, particularly with the expansion of the internet, History is one of the few subjects that directly teaches pupils to select, evaluate, analyse and draw conclusions from information.  Pupils also examine the causes and results of important changes, study the varying points of view of people affected by major events, and analyse the reliability of historical source material. History also has many links with other GCSE subjects.

A study of the past is also a good way to obtain knowledge and understanding of the present.  History provides a sense of direction and an understanding of the world that we live in today.

What will I need to succeed?

  • Most important is a genuine interest in the past and the enthusiasm to find out more.          
  • An inquisitive mind, an ability to question information and your own opinion!
  • The willingness to research information and to communicate in good written English is important in History. 
  • Pupils who enjoy reading typically do very well. We advise that pupils have a reading age of 13 to take History GCSE.
  • You must consistently be working at a mastery scale of meeting or above throughout Year 9.

Course Offered

OCR GCSE History B Schools History Project J411

Subject Content

The History GCSE will consist of three elements to the course, designed to give differing perspectives on the study of history.

The GCSE will consist of three papers:

Paper 1 covering two topics:  1 hour and 45 minutes
A Thematic Study – The People’s Health, C1250 to present
A British Depth Study – The Norman Conquest, 1065-1087 

Paper 2 covering two topics:   1 hour and 45 minutes
A Period Study – The Making of America, 1789-1900                                      
A World Depth Study – Living under Nazi Rule, 1933-1945    

Paper 3:   1 hour                                                                                                           
History Around Us – A  local study based on a site investigation of Portchester Castle.

Assessment Requirements

100% examination.  Paper 1 and Paper 2 each awarded 40% of the total GCSE mark, Paper 3 will be awarded 20% of the total GCSE mark.    

What careers it can lead to after leaving Swanmore College

Both local colleges (Barton Peveril and Peter Symonds) offer a History A Level. At A Level the variety of modules offered, significantly increases with options to study the Crusades, Henry II, the Tudors, the French Revolution, and 20th Century Germany, China and USSR. 

The most important thing about studying History is that it can open up a multitude of career options for you.  Many of our Prime Ministers have studied History, but it can also lead to careers in media, heritage organisations, conservation, teaching, archives, museums and galleries, the police and law.