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13 March 2025

Swan-Bites is a twice-weekly college bulletin for parents/carers. If you have any difficulties viewing Swan-Bites on a mobile device, please try a desktop/PC. We welcome any feedback or concerns via 

All Pupils

Vaccinations Catch-Up Session – Monday 31 March 2025

Please be advised that a catch-up session is being held on Monday 31 March for any pupils who missed their vaccinations earlier this month or did not receive theirs when they were in year 9. If you have not yet completed a consent form this academic year, to indicate a decision about your child’s Teenage Booster and Meningitis vaccinations that were due in year 9, please do this via the link below to the electronic form. Access to the form will close two working days prior to the session:

School Code: SH116424

Session Date: Monday 31 March 2025

Year Group: Year 9 – 11

Link to website: Teenage Booster : Hampshire Healthy Families

If your child is in Year 10 or 11 and we do not receive a yes or no consent form before the date above, the immunisation team will meet with them in school, to discuss the benefits and risks.  We have a robust process in place to assess their eligibility to self-consent. Following the discussion, they will be offered the opportunity to consent or decline the vaccination. No person will be coerced during this meeting.  

For further information or if you prefer to give your consent/decline verbally, please contact the immunisation team directly on 02382 318318.

Year 7

There are no specific items for Year 7 only.

Year 8

We are excited to invite any Year 8 pupils with an interest in reading to participate in the Hampshire Book Award, a prestigious annual event that celebrates outstanding works of children's literature. This award offers a unique opportunity to engage with contemporary fiction, share perspectives, and help select the best paperback fiction title published in the previous year for the 11-14 age group. Pupils can sign up by speaking to their Tutor, English or History Teacher, or seeing Mrs Payne in the Library. They can also fill out this form:

Year 9

There are no specific items for Year 9 only.

Year 10

On Tuesday 25 March 2025, MyBnk will be coming in to deliver a financial presentation and workshop to all Year 10 pupils. They will be off timetable from period 1 to period 5, to watch the presentation and participate in a workshop by MyBnk, as well as completing a 4-hour project based on some of the financial skills that they will cover within the presentation. We are confident that this will enable them to gain essential life skills that will aid them now, and in the future.

Year 11

Reports and Parents’ Evening Reminder

Reminder that Year 11 reports will be available on the SIMs Parent App tomorrow, Friday 14 March 2025. There is also a parents’ evening on 24 March 2025. This will be a great opportunity to discuss the report and to understand what can be done to improve grades in the final countdown to the GCSEs.

Easter Holiday Revision Sessions - Deadline Reminder

Revision classes will be running during the upcoming Easter break from 9am – 12 noon on Monday 7 April, Tuesday 8 April, Wednesday 9 April and Thursday 10 April. An outline of the available classes can be accessed using the link below:

Each session will aim to be a detailed review of the key skills and content in each specific subject area. Sessions will be designed to be high impact sessions and will suit pupils who will respond positively to the support on offer.

The College is paying staff from these subject areas to deliver these sessions, and the cost is £30.00 per day for three x 1-hour sessions if your child wishes to attend. You must book for the full 3 x sessions each day; pupils cannot come and go throughout the morning; they will sign in at 9am and sign out at 12 noon. Should your child not attend on the day in question, the contribution will be non-refundable.

Should your child wish to attend any or all these days, please select each of the required day/days and make payment online via for example ‘Year 11 Revision – Mon 8 March’.  Please use the drop-down options to select one session for each time slot.09:00 – 10:00, 10:00 – 11:00 and 11:00 – 12:00 no later than Thursday 20 March 2025, to enable us to pre-organise the sessions.


Please note that any external clubs / events that are advertised here are not endorsed by or directly affiliated with Swanmore College in any way.