Intro to key terms and sociological theories/Social Transmission


Students are introduced to the GCSE course.

Example Key Words


Expected behaviours in society.


What society places importance on.


The process of learning norms and values of a society.

Fundamental British values

Rule of law

Cultural Capital

Understanding a balance of different views on society.

UN Rights of the Child

8 – Identity



Students explore key patterns and trends within the family structure in the UK.

Example Key Words


Having one married partner.


The decline of religion in society.


The legal termination of a marriage.

Fundamental British values

Mutual respect

Cultural Capital

Gaining insight into how to deal with marriage/relationship break up.

UN Rights of the Child

12 – Respect for children’s views



Students explore key areas of society that impact educational achievement of students.

Example Key Words


Being judged very quickly based on your characteristics such as ethnicity or social class.

State schools

A school funded by the government.

Social class

Socio-economic group based on a mixture of wealth and norms and values.

Fundamental British values

Mutual respect

Cultural Capital

Learning about cultural capital that was create by Pierre Bourdieu

UN Rights of the Child

21 – Children who are adopted

Education/Crime and deviance


Students continue with the education unit and then explore how crime and deviance are related to society in the UK.

Example Key Words


Breaking social norms.


An individual or group who are blamed for all of society’s problems.

White collar crime

Crime committed by the middle classes.

Fundamental British values

Rule of law

Cultural Capital

Understaning the principles and practices of the criminal justice system in the UK.

UN Rights of the Child

34 – Protection from sexual abuse

Crime and deviance


Students continue to study crime and deviance in relation to society in the UK.

Example Key Words


Breaking social norms.


An individual or group who are blamed for all of society’s problems.

White collar crime

Crime committed by the middle classes.

Fundamental British values

Rule of law

Cultural Capital

Understaning the principles and practices of the criminal justice system in the UK.

UN Rights of the Child

34 – Protection from sexual abuse

Sociological research methods


Students explore the different methods that sociologists collect data regarding society.

Example Key Words

Qualitative data

Data that is collected in rich descriptive word format.


A researcher speaks to an individual 1-2-1 with either structured questions or the ability to move subjects.

Hawthorne effect

People’s behaviour changes when they know that they are being watched.

Fundamental British values

Mutual respect

Cultural Capital

The application of lengthy and complicated terminology such as quantitative and qualitiative .

UN Rights of the Child

16 – protection of privacy

Social stratification


Students explore the structural inequalities that exist in society such as gender, ethnicity and sexuality.

Example Key Words

Moral panic

Society gets very concerns about a moral issues and makes rash, unguided steps on the matter.


Treating people differently/unfarily because of a particualr characteristic.

Life chances

The opporrtunities to enjoy the good things in life and avoid the bad things.

Fundamental British values


Cultural Capital

Students appreciate the advantages that they hold and how to press them home in life.

UN Rights of the Child

38 – Protection from war